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Takasaki Monkey park, Oita


5.1 Takasaki Mountain

Takasaki is a hilly wood where nearly 800 monkeys live in harmony. We could enjoy their free lifestyle, watch them and take photographs and see them getting fed.
Takasaki is in the Oita city facing the blue sea of Oita. The Umi tamago aquarium is situated just across the road. When you come towards Takasaki from Beppu city, You park your vehicle at the Umi tamago parking area and then cross the big blue bridge across the 6 lane high way. There you reach the ticketing office where you can get tickets for the cable rope way up the hill or a 500yen ticket for a walk up the hill.
The first thing you see once you entered the premises are the warnings about aggressive behavior of the monkeys. You are prohibited to look straight in to the eyes of the monkeys and also feeding them. There were other things such as not let anything hang out such as pamphlets and key holders because they will be pulled and grabbed.
After going through numerous warning boards repeating the same thing again and again,we finally reached the place where monkeys linger most. Of course the monkeys were all the way along the way we came up but here mostly the kiddo monkeys were gathered up.
One guide was explaining the day to day life of the monkeys.There were several guides watching the monkeys and also the visitors ready to get in to action if something occurred.
I just had this good chance to see the monkeys getting fed peanuts at this point.All the monkeys in the area gather when the lunch time comes. It was the most scariest and then again the amazing scene all day long. All 800 monkeys did not gather but still nearly 400 or more monkeys gathered including mother monkeys, kid monkeys,teen monkeys and so on.

5.2 Monkeys Gathered to Have Their Peanut Meal

The head of the troupe was also present. The face was clearly different from other monkeys. He was so majestic and also old. He had been living there for 27 years.
The whole troupe is very respectful towards their majesty. Nobody in the troupe would ever even get close to the food thrown at the King . They were so respectful. The monkeys even respect the royal hierarchy. The second higher rank holder respects the king but not the 3rd ranker. The third ranker respects both of them but not any lower ranker. It is simply amazing.After getting fed the king goes on to a rock and lies down. One female monkey comes and pats and caress the back of their majesty. It seems to be a routine. The female monkey always changes according to the day and the needs of the king.
So sweet ..!!!
Check out more monkey activities at the Takasaki Monkey Park.

5.3 A She-Monkey Caresses the Back of the King Monkey
more photos

5.4 A Monkey Sleeping with It s Head on a Stony Step

5.5 This Monkey Is Watching Another.

5.6 It Found Something Interesting to Taste and See.

photos all rights reserved.


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