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Kyoto in one day


We left early the hotel to the Kyoto station to buy a free pass to travel inside the Kyoto town. There were several types of tickets.One was a tour bus ticket where the routes were already decided. It was not a free plan trip so we decided to give it up. Next we thought of buying the one day pass of 1000yen which is said to be have discount entrance fee coupons attached. But then again we were not going through the Arashiyama area so that this ticket was also not comparatively cheap. we finally decide on the free bus ride ticket of 500 yen. We also got a city bus route map making traveling in Kyoto very simple.

We started with 東寺(Toji). It is a 5 floored pagoda which can also be seen from the shinkansen which means the bullet train in Japanese. The entrance fee was 60yen and we decided to not to enter the premises. So we just took the photographs of the pagoda from the outside the sacred area and took the bus towards Ryoanji.

2.1 Toji Temple

龍安寺 (Ryoanji) is an old Buddhist temple where old Buddhist monks used to meditate while walking. The specialty of this temple is the rock garden where this walking meditation used to have taken place. Now you cannot enter the rock garden but just watch it from the wooden stage. Just looking at the rock garden calms down your mind and soul. Everyday the pattern on the white pebbly floor is changed. The most interesting thing is that you cannot frame in all the rocks in to one single shot. There are 15 rocks and the maximum you can fit in to one angle is said to be 14. This is excluding a shot from the bird s eye view. It is so silent and serene in this temple.This temple has a big pond with lotus and Lillie's and lots of maple trees making the Ryoanji temple a best spot in the autumn.

2.2 The Rock Garden of The Ryoanji Temple

After leaving the Ryoanji temple next we headed to the 平安神宮 (Heianjingu) shrine。This has a large torii and also the shrine premises itself is very large. This shrine is very famous for its wedding receptions in Kyoto. A gleaming orange color attracts the eye and also the hugeness of the entrance gates and torii. This shrine is also famous for its blessings for eternal love. That is also another reason for its popularity in marriages. Lots of foreigners and tourists daily visit this shrine.

2.3 The Heian Jingu Shrine

Our final visit was the 清水寺 (kiyomizudera). This temple is very famous for its sakura and and the autumn leaves. This temple is so photogenic that if you say Kyoto this temple is its symbol. It claims so many photographs all over the world. This temple is in a hilly area so that you have to walk up a busy street lined up with souvenir shops. Then you reach the entrance which is all wood and majestic. Entrance fee is 300yen per adult. You pass a water spring with a dragon spouting out water. Then you enter a all wood corridor with enormous lamps over head. this runs towards the balcony like open door veranda facing the higashiyama hills. A little beyond the place you come across the same patterned pavilion but a smaller one. This pavilion gives you the best view of the kiyomizudera, a very photogenic one.once when you descend the hill you come across a small stage like place where water falls from the top of the roof. People believe that this water is very pure which must have been the origin of the name of this temple.

2.4 Kiyomizudera Temple

Finally I had the chance to walk down the streets of Gion alone in the rain. I was hoping to see the Maikos adn Geishas but my luck was over for the day.but still the streets were all light up with old lanterns and the restaurants were all wooden such as in old days. I also had the chance to catch a glimpse of the yasaka shrine which is located in the very middle of the Gion city. It was already past six and I gave up the idea of entering the shrine premises.

2.5 The Streets of Gion

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