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Katsurahama in Kochi

28/07/2011 Katsurahama is a beautiful beach in Kochi prefecture. This beach is famous in  a tale about Sakamoto Ryuma. Sakamoto Ryuma , a pioneer in bringing the Japan to socialism has been to this beach to look at the sea fro long hours. In memory of this tale, the famous Sakamoto Ryuma`s copper statue is built in Katsurahama. From here  onward I would like to share the beautiful calm view of the Pacific ocean.  The view of Katsurahama beach from the Sakamoto statue The vast black sandy beach The other side of the beach from the top of the cliff The shrine at the top of the cliff These photos were taken while the No 12 typhoon was passing over Kochi. So the sky is clouded and dark though the sea is calm. It deprived me of witnessing the original beauty of the Katsurahama. Special thanks to Shiota san of Kochi Center. All Rights Reserved.

Ryuga Cave - Kochi

25/07/2011 Ryuga cave is  a an old cave where first human beings have said to have lived. This cave is nearly 4 kilometers long and the normal course is just one hour course which runs only one kilo meter. The cave interior is very cool nearly 16 degrees in opposite to the scorching sun of 30 degrees outside.    The entrance the cave You come across three main waterfalls along the normal course. All have very very cold water and very pure. This water  is running through the faults in the rocky cave and is rich of minerals. Below is one of those waterfalls. Thousands of thousands years have passed by after the caves were formed and they are still formed. Droolin water and wind has created beautiful patterns and statue like stalactites. There were stalactites looking like  Sain Mary- the mother of Jesus, famous Sakamoto Ryuma of Japan, fish , jelly fish etc. Rocky Stage Curtains    Frill like thin rock As it was made clear earlier, the bones ,

33 ADDRESS on the Earth

24/07/2011 While I was looking for tourist spots in Kochi I came across a secluded spot on the map with a label "地球の33番地" which means the address of 33 on the Earth in English. This of course sounded interesting. So we set out along the Enoguchi river towards the sea until this strange place came in to view. So came the place in to view. It was situated in the middle of the flowing Enoguchi river with a strange monument built at the spot. No body was in sight so proving that this was not at all a tourist spot. A wooden dock was built to reach the spot. When we got closer,that was strange monument had a big metal ball with wings an a big 33 written on it.  Well I think it is high time to introduce what this 33 address really means. This means that the lattitude 133 33' 33" and longitude 33 33' 33" crosses at this very spot. As every single value has a 33 in it this place is called 33Address on the earth. It is said that only 8 other su

Kochi Castle

24/07/2011 The main entrance to the Kochi Castle The Kochi castle built by a family called Yamauchi after the victory of Tokugawa. This castle boasts of its original buildings still standing majestically. According to the Wikipedia   "Though no battles were fought at the castle, it is noteworthy because the castle is the original structure, and not a post was replica. It is also the only castle in Japan to retain both its original tenshu, or keep and its palace.In fact, it is the only castle to have all the original buildings in the  honmaru, or innermost ring of the defense  still standing." From the photos below  you can see the castle entrance and the open area where the old palace buildings used to stand some several hundred years ago. From here onward you shall be introduced to the ancient technology used in the castle and still can be witnessed. These were used to remove water from the top castle grounds. As Kochi is an area

Flamenco in Tokyo

2010/12/17 Just had the most wonderful birthday gift witch was not in the least meant to be a birthday gift. I had the chance to witness some beautiful flamenco performance with a brilliant guitar backing on a Friday night. This was at a Spanish restaurant at Nishinippori . The flamenco dance show is performed every night with different dancing troupes. There are two shows one at 7 o`clock and the next at 9`o clock which each lasts for about 30minutes. On this day, it was a troupe with the leading performer named "Wada Hiroko". First show Second show Their performance was lively with Spanish words of encouragement flowing from the audience. A grand set of Spanish dishes were served through out the show.  Beautiful strong vocals and very talented guitarist help the audience to catch up with the rhythm. If anybody wants details please leave a comment. Special thanks to Mr. Yoneyama and special thanks to Sumanaphan Sirimas for th

Azalae 2011 - Taachikawa

This time it is  a post with photos alone. These are Azalae from Showa kinen Park at Tachikawa.  All  Rights Reserved.

Spring in Takao IV - Tokyo

ハナニラ(花韮)- Spring Star 和名 :ハナニラ(花韮)- Spring Star 科  : ユリ科 - Lillaceae  学名 :ipheion uniflorum 花言葉 :「悲しい別れ」、「うらみ」 Flower Meaning : Sad Bye-bye ,  Grudge 和名 : 科  : ceae  学名 : 花言葉 : Flower Meaning :  The Great Quakig Grass 和名 :小判草(小判草)- Great Quaking Grass 科  : イネ科 - Poaceae  学名 :briza maxima 花言葉 :「白熱した議論」、「興奮」、「熱狂」 Flower Meaning : Excitement,Enthusiasm  ワスレナグサ(勿忘草)- Forget Me Not 和名 :ワスレナグサ(勿忘草)- Forget Me Not 科  : ムラサキ科 - Boraginaceae  学名 :myosotis scorpioides 花言葉 :「私を忘れないで」、「真実の友情」、「誠の愛」 Flower Meaning :  Forget me Never, True Friendship, True Love  和名 : 科  : 科 - aceae  学名 : 花言葉 : Flower Meaning :   シラン(紫蘭) 和名 :シラン(紫蘭) 科  : ラン科 - Orchidaceae  学名 :bletilla striata reichb 花言葉 :「あなたを忘れない」、「お互い忘れないように」、「変わらぬ愛」、[薄れゆく愛」 Flower Meaning :  Never Forget You, Never Forget Each Other, Never Changing Love All R

Spring at Takao III - Tokyo

04/05/2011 ヨゴレネコノメソウ(汚れ猫の目草) 和名 :ヨゴレネコノメソウ(汚れ猫の目草) 科  : ユキノシタ科 - Saxifragaceae  学名 :chrysosplenium  macrostemon ネコノメソウ(猫の目草) 和名 :ネコノメソウ(猫の目草) 科  : ユキノシタ科 - Saxifragaceae  学名 :chrysosplenium  grayanum ミヤマキケマン (Miyama Kikeman) 和名 :ミヤマキケマン 科  : ケマンソウ科 - Fumariaceae  学名 :corydalis pallida This plant is poisonous. ツチグリ (土栗)- False Earthstar 和名 :ツチグリ (土栗)- False Earthstar 科  :ツチグリ 科 - astraeaceae  学名 :astraeus hygrometricus morgan ニシキゴロモ (錦衣)Nishikigoromo 和名 :ニシキゴロモ (錦衣) 科  : シソ科 - Lamiaceae  学名 :ajuga yezoensis 和名 : 科  : 科 - aceae  学名 : ツクバネウツギ (衝羽根空木)- (a kind of)  Honeysuckle  和名 :ツクバネウツギ (衝羽根空木) 科  : スイカズラ科 - caprifoliaceae  学名 :abelia spathulata 和名 : 科  : 科 aceae  学名 : クサイチゴ (草苺)(a kind of)  Berry 和名 :クサイチゴ (草苺)