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Owakudani Hot Water Springs of Hakone


Owakudani is  a volcanic vent where sulphur and other volcanic substances still come out of springs. The water is higher than 100degrees in most springs and very poisonous.

Sulphuric vents with volcanic activity

Hot water springs

Slight volcanic activity

The famous black eggs  boiled in the hot water springs

It is said that eating these eggs you can extend your life span. Well,I ate one. Even though the shell turns black due to the hydrogen sulphide released from the spring, the inside is of  the  same taste of a normal boiled egg. As rumors say, it is not good to eat three black eggs. Do not know the mystic reason, but I think too much sulphur in the system might shorten your life span.

Mount Fuji from owakudani hotwater springs

Hakone Ropeway and kanagwa prefecture beyond

My special thanks to my host family , Mr and Mrs. Deguchi

All Rights Reserved.


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