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Sakura 2015 - Tokyo


So it is the Sakura season, awakening the world top a new beginning.. It is a moment everybody waits eagerly to receive liveliness and to get freshened for the next fiscal year.

I will start the post with an introduction to flower viewing or Hanami. This is what the Wikipedia has to say.
""Hanami" is the centuries-old practice of picnicking under a blooming sakura or ume tree. The custom is said to have started during the Nara Period (710–794) when it was ume blossoms that people admired in the beginning. But by the Heian Period(794–1185), cherry blossoms came to attract more attention and hanami was synonymous with sakura.[7] From then on, in both waka and haiku, "flowers" (花 hana?) meant "cherry blossoms". The custom was originally limited to the elite of the Imperial Court, but soon spread to samurai society and, by the Edo period, to the common people as well. Tokugawa Yoshimune planted areas of cherry blossom trees to encourage this. Under the sakura trees, people had lunch and dranksake in cheerful feasts."

 I am going to introduce you to several Sakura spots I enjoyed around Tokyo this year.

  • MusashiSeki

This is a small river flowing along the Seibu-Shinjuku line near musashiseki station. A small road runs along the river towards the Musashiseki Park from the station. Sakura trees are planted all along the 400m roadside and make a treat to the eye in every Sakura season.
 It is a famous spot among train lover photographers as this is one of the best spots to capture trains emerging through the over hanging Sakura branches.

  • Yokogawa iriguchi

This is a small area of Sakura lined road in front of the Distributed Control System maker Giant Yokogawa Electric Cooperation. The Yokogawa ground is walled on all four sides with beautiful Sakura trees healing the employees and residents minds. 
I pass this path everyday on my way to work and it is such a blessing to be greeted by Sakura early every morning before work.. Sakura does heal !!

  • Musashino Central Park

Musashino Central Park is not a Sakura spot in the first place. It is a large field open for public which happens to have several Sakura trees. I recommend this if you are planning to do Hanami in peace. it is not crowded, not in the least and wide enough for a whole lot of you. The key point is Peace of Mind.

  • Musashino Central Road

This is a long stretch of road with approximately 1200m. Well grown Sakura trees creating a beautiful 1200m pink tunnel and one of the most beautiful views in my life. It is a main road where buses pass but I would recommend you to go for a walk under the Sakura ceiling.

  • Meguro River

Meguro River is one of the most famous Sakura spots across the country. It is 3.8km stretch of beautiful Sakura along the both sides of the Meguro River around Naka Meguro. Meguro River Sakura is also famous for Night Sakura too. it is one of my personal favorite spots too.
I hope to post a new article about the Sakura at Meguro River.

Special thanks to Mrs.Takahata, Miss Miyazaki, Mr Okada for the beautiful Sakura moments in 2015.

Finally I will end the post with a fully bloomed Sakura stating the irony. 

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