ヒメオドリコソウ(姫踊子草)- Purple Deadnettle
ヒメオドリコソウ(姫踊子草)- Purple Deadnettle
和名 :ヒメオドリコソウ(姫踊子草)- Purple Deadnettle
科 : シソ科 - Lamiaceae
学名 :lamium purpureum
スズラン(鈴蘭)- Lilly of Valley
和名 :スズラン(鈴蘭)- Lilly of Valley
科 : ユリ科 - Lillaceae
学名 :convallaria keiskei
花言葉 : 「幸福の再来」、[意識しない美しさ」、[純粋」
This plant is poisonous due to the consist of Convallatoxin, Convallamarin and Convallaside.
クサノオウ(草の黄)- Greater Celandine
和名 :クサノオウ(草の黄)- Greater Celandine
科 : ケシ科 - Papaveraceae
学名 :chelidonium majus / asaticum ohwi
A yellow syrup comes out from the cut points or break points of the leaves and stem. This plant is also poisonous to most of the people due to the alkoloid, while this is also used as a herb in some cases but only after drying well in the sun.
和名 :ウシハコベ(牛繁縷)
科 : ナデシコ科 - Caryophyllaceae
学名 :myosoten aquaticum
This is one of the seven "Seven Grasses of the Spring" according to Japans Literature.
和名 :ムラサキケマン(紫華鬘)
科 : ケマンソウ科 - Fumariaceae
学名 :corydalis incisa
Please I need help to find these flowers and its families. I would greatlr appreciate your cooperation.
Special thanks to Kikone Mamoru sensei for introducing me to this beautiful small world.
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